Terms of use of the computer laboratory

Biostatistics and Medical Informatics Unit


1. Using the computer in the laboratory, log into your account GUEST. Attempts to log on to other accounts are prohibited.

2. Computer users have at their disposal Documents (pol. Dokumenty) folder - there should store the data. It is forbidden to modify an existing directory structure , except for the foundation of its own subdirectory .

3. It is forbidden to modify in any way the Desktop (pol. Pulpit).

4. Copying any data from the hard disk to external media, including transfer via network, is prohibited without the permission of Conducting classes. In particular, it is prohibited to direct recording, transmission or fixing in any form (scan, photo, phono) test tasks (examination).

5. During the classes mobile phones, smartphones, tablets should be in inactive mode and hidden in private bags.

6. Each user computer lab, after work, is obliged to:

· Leave his work area clean,

· Remove any saved to Desktop files and empty the Recycle Bin/Trash (pol. Kosz),

· Shut down the computer software (pol. StartZamknij) (you should not hold a job or hibernate the computer) and the monitor is left on.

· Check that did not leave your stuff private.

7. It is not allowed to make any changes to user configurations of hardware and software.
About the noted defects equipment Conducting classes should be informed.

8. In particular, it is prohibited:

· to install any software without the permission of the person handling the classes

· to send SPAM in any form or otherwise violate the netiquette of computers Laboratory

· creating and experimenting with viral programs, destroying hardware and software resources of a computer

· using Laboratory devices for attack and infiltrate other computers

9. It is absolutely forbidden to bring into the Laboratory food, drink, outerwear, wet umbrellas, etc. Clothing should be left in the cloakroom on the ground floor of the building. Cigarette smoking is forbidden in computer labs and in the corridors of the Department


İ 2020 lesrus